Jul 24, 2010

Open Season on Grandma?

"Where is the "Saturday Night Live" skit, you'd have Grandma upstairs, crying for her pills, and the kids on a couch watching TV and yelling "Yeah, in a minute!" asks Free Press columnist Mitch Albom. Where, indeed.

By allowing the repeal of the Death Tax to expire January 2011, Congress has increased the value of death in 2010 exponentially. Just ask the Steinbrenner family!

Quite the conundrum for wealthy Liberals with elder loved ones barely clinging to life, eh?

Best of luck, Grandma. Better watch your back!



1 comment:

Joanne said...

I wonder if Americans even know about this happening at the end of 2010. A death tax is one of the most, if not the most, depraved tax.