Jul 29, 2010

Not Your (Founding) Father's Democracy

A majority of the American support Arizona’s right to defend its borders. President Obama and company have ruled otherwise.

A majority of the American people oppose the moratorium on oil drilling. President Obama and company have ruled otherwise.

A majority of the American people oppose Obamacare. President Obama and company have ruled otherwise.

A majority of the American people oppose increased financial regulations as proposed by Congress. President Obama and company have ruled otherwise.

My dear Democrats, what manner of “representative government” do you call this?




Denise said...

Majority of American people also contacted their representatives to tell them to vote "NO" on the Disclose Act. It worked but the Democrats want to try and push it through later on anyway. What part of the word NO do they not understand?

Denise said...

No as in NEVER!!! They're as bad as those bureaucrats in Europe trying to push the so called EU constitution on Europeans who don't want it.

MJH said...

"Representative Government" is making a comeback as the Fall elections approach. Our Senator Feingold, whose visible condescending, arrogant scorn for dissenting constituents at Townhall meetings following Obamacare is now running campaign ads stressing "We" and "together" as if he and other reps actually cared beyond securing votes to continue to re-elect these frauds and their looting of us taxpayers. The country's best interests and original intent are secondary to the Career Politicians' self-preservation and greed.

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