Oct 2, 2008

The Debate?

Nuff' said. Well done Lady Palin!




Anonymous said...

She is so lame and you know it.

Churchill's Parrot said...

No we're afraid we don't. Please do elaborate?

Anonymous said...

We conservatives have once again been hoodwinked by McCain. I want someone who can handle themselves with no restrictions. Not hide behind some awe shucks persona. Since when did we become the party of the brain dead? I am most certain that Mr. Buckley is rolling in his grave. She was clearly in over her head.

The smart thing for us conservatives to do is let Obama win this thing, allow him to waste four years cleaning up W's impossible mess. Then start over again.

Stronger. Smarter. Superior.

Churchill's Parrot said...

Despite the awe shucks persona, we believe Lady Palin handles herself quite effectively. There is far more to influencing public opinion than convincing others you are vastly more intelligent than they(although admittedly that's always proved effective for us!)

Your arguement is strangely similar to those of lefties who say as much, not only of Lady Palin, but of George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan: amiable dunces all. If so, so be it. We shall take dunces of this ilk to liberal "geniuses" anytime. We suspect Mr. Buckley might agree, despite the alleged actions of his son.

In terms of pure political strategy, we can appreciate your suggestion to "let" Obama win. There is the little problem, however, of preserving the Union. America is not indestructable you know. In fact, it seems bloody well near ruin at present, owing to leftist policies and AWOL conservative will to check it.

"Then start over again" you suggest. There may by then be too little left to start, let alone sufficient will to start it.

