Aug 20, 2008

Obama v McCain in 60 seconds or less

Performance art reenactment of the contest that is. Enjoy!




Findalis said...

Obama is a lightweight and McCain is a heavyweight. There is a big difference. Love that fight scene. Thanks.

Churchill's Parrot said...

My Dear Findalis,

Your Democrats have oft employed the term "hubris" in characterizing Bush-era policies without ever actually considering that they themselves might just be demonstrating as much, or more.

9/11 was AMERICA's fault (or DOING!). Terrorism is a product of AMERICAN foriegn policy. Poverty is the result of AMERICAN over-consumption. Global warming is due to AMERICAN lifestyles. Bit of a pattern here,eh?

Meanwhile global threats from Iraq (under Sadaam), Iran, North Korea, Syria, innumerable Islamic terrorist parties, not to mention China, and our now reinvigorated Russia are "no big deal." After all what could any of them possibly do to the all-powerful United States of America?

This idiocy is implicit in every word and action of the Obama campaign, and resonated by its supporters.

Mr. Obama's "promise" must be based on experience and a clearly articulated vision. He has provided neither. How could he? He HAS neither. This would make him a fool for putting himself in the position he is now in. Much like our clueless boxer above. All show business, no substance.

The question remains, which will the American electorate prefer?



Findalis said...

Looking at the polls I'm beginning to believe Christmas might come early this year.

Anonymous said...

Tasteless and sad that your resorting to this sort of lowbrow youtube junk. The cliched showboating black man. The powerful white man. Hmmmm.

I rarely agree with you - but you when you write an essay, it's always well thought out and quite scholarly and the humor is clever.

Videos like this don't belong here - do they? It seems to me that it's the very problem with our great country. It's easier to post a silly little video - or create a cool t-shirt - than to actually make an intellectual argument without lampooning the other guy.

Yes I can take a joke but this is just child's play.

I expect more from you parrot. You are a great political mind and I think your heroes might wince if they saw this post.

Shoot higher please.

Churchill's Parrot said...

My Dear Anonymous,

A right good scolding is this. Good show my friend! We very much appreciate your kind words as to the quality of our standard postings as well as your concern for any diminishment thereof. We admit we have been a bit stingy with material of late but circumstances precipitating this cannot, at present, be helped.

Our posting of this lowbrow youtube junk (a rendundancy is that not?)was done for its metaphoric value. Not racially metaphoric, as you seem to imply, but substantially.

We believe - and with good reason -Mr. Obama to be the emptiest of suits. All showbiz, but heavy on the show and light on the biz. It is our expectation that as this reality is made increasingly plain to the American people in the course of the presidential contest, Mr. Obama will be defeated in no uncertain terms, rather like the devastating blow delivered in the lowbrow youtube junk in question.

Oddly this is not, in the end, Mr. Obama's fault, but that of the Democratic electorate who elevated a man with merely 143 days experience in the U.S. Senate and nearly as many highly troubling relationships as their candidate for the most powerful office in the free world. Symptomatic of the Lefty penchant for theater over reason we suppose.

As for our heroes wincing, we highly doubt this. Far worse has been written, said, and done to all throughout the course of Western political evolution. Are we to change the game now merely because a person of color has entered the fray? Dangerous precedent that my friend. Fortunately one which critics of Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Michael Steele, J.C. Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Shelby Steele and countless other black conservatives have never felt obliged to set.



Joanne said...

This video is so funny - Obama all show and no substance.....and so true. LOL

Joanne said...

anonymous - If you don't have a sense of humour, you probably do not have any sense at all. You are not superior to Churchill's Parrot to be in a position to tell him what he should or should not post on his blog. Who are you to set Churchill's Parrot's standard?

Anonymous said...

To summarize the commentary regardin anonymous' standards...simply put, If your standards include Obama, you have have none! You obviously have not studied the man nor the studies he studied if I'm wrong in this regard, then you too are a Marxist sympathiser and Saul Alinsky platitude distributor...there is no inbetween!

Churchill's Parrot said...

My Dear Joanne and Norm,

Thank you so much for your support AND for the cross post Norm! We are very much supportive of our greater aggrandizement.



Anonymous said...

Pretty predictable taking credit for something that isn't even original material. And chase every one away who respectfully disagrees with you. Keep those blinders on people!!!

Churchill's Parrot said...

Again - incisive commentary and cutting observation my dear Anonymous. We shall cling to our blinders as to our guns and religion.

Might like to loosen your blindfold a bit though eh?



Anonymous said...

What I find most amazing is that most of you are standing with a candidate that you probably didn't even vote for in the primaries ... probably because of your disdain for him.

Keep dividing our country in two and see where that gets us. I say put America first and party affiliation second.

Whatever happen to "America the beautiful", "one nation under god!" A story like Barack's is a testament to our great country! Can't we all agree on that? Probably not. Sad I think.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Joanne it was a great man who once said that "a joke is a very serious thing"

Churchill's Parrot said...

My Dear Anonymous,

How is supporting one candidate and not another "dividing our country in two?" Ought the United States adopt a monarchical system of government wherein the national sovereign is selected by accident of birth? Where would our Mr. Obama be then?

You are right, support for Mr. McCain is primarily by default and not choice, however, the old boy is making significant strides in the right direction of late!

A story like Mr. Obama's is indeed, as you say, a testament to your great country. There are many such stories ... "only in America." Not all, however, qualify one for the office of the Presidency. That would be the sticky wicket in this instance.

As one nation under God, America IS beautiful. Partisan contests such as this are very much a part of that beauty.



Anonymous said...

It's not in the choosing. It's in the supporting of the president after the election. And this goes for both parties. For me, once we cross that line of mocking someone, it's hard to return from it. I fear that is why the two party system will either implode or become so homogeneous that we will all have lost.

America first!!! Give both these men and their VP's the mutual respect that they deserve and make this a race about issues. The high road please!